On the QuizGo.ru website, go to the quiz editing panel
Go to the Quiz Integrations section and select Zapier
Click Create Token
Then go to Zapier.com
Now the integration is being moderated. Please join the integration by clicking on the link and accept invite here
Create a new connection
Type in QuizGo search
Select QuizGo and select the New Lead event
Click Continue and then log in by clicking on Sign in
And enter the token that we copied from QuizGo earlier
Next, click Test and get the fields from QuizGo if everything is set up correctly. Click Continue
Next, choose which service to connect QuizGo to
Then, in the settings, choose which fields you want to come to the service you have chosen
If you have several different integrations connected at once, the name of the integration from Zapier from the “Set up trigger” section is shown in the list of connections
If you have any difficulties, please write to the support chat
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